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Yum, yum, yum! This literally took me 15 minutes to make. It is [mostly] healthy and delicious!

What you need:

  1. Tilapia

  • Tiny sliver of real butter

  • Ground Ginger

  • Garlic

  • Garlic Powder

  • Teriyaki Sauce

  1. Tilapia Toppings

  • Grilled Pineapple

  • Roasted Coconut Flakes

  1. Sides

  • Steamed Brussel Sprouts

  • Raw Carrots

  • Blackberries

  • Arugula

What to do:

  1. Start with steaming the brussel sprouts.

  2. Place a tiny sliver of real butter into a frying pan with the garlic on medium heat.

  3. Place unthawed tilapia in pan then sprinkle the ground ginger and garlic powder on tilapia.

  4. Drizzled a teaspoon of teriyaki sauce on each piece of tilapia.

  5. Flip the tilapia after about twoish minutes (depending) – sometimes longer, but try to only flip once or twice because the tilapia will fall apart if you flip it too much.

  6. Cut up pineapple and grill a few pieces (no butter or seasoning).

  7. Place pile of arugula on plate with finished tilapia on top.

  8. Place grilled pineapple and roasted coconut flakes on top of tilapia.

  9. Finally, place unbuttered, unsalted brussel sprouts, raw carrots, and blackberries on plate.

  10. ENJOY!

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