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i RUN for Michael

"I run for Michael" is a Facebook group that matches a runner with someone who has a disability.

I Run for Michael Facebook group description reads, "God gave me the gift of mobility. Others aren't as fortunate so I Run for Michael, who do YOU run for? This is a community forum for inspiration from those who have special needs and for you to inspire others with YOUR story and who YOU run for!"

I'll share my example: I signed up about one year ago and was matched with a buddy. Now, about 3 times a week, I post a picture to my buddy in this closed group. No one else will see your post expect for those in the group who are also posting. I simply post a picture and say this, Hi (name of buddy)! I ran 6 miles for you today!

You do not have to run, you can do ANY workout.

You can be as involved or not as involved as you want to be.

It is fun, easy, and not only encourages my buddy, but also encourages me.

So what you do:

-Join the Facebook group

-Receive an email & then respond

-Get matched with a buddy

-Post your workouts 3 times a week to your buddy

-Inspire and be inspired

It is that easy to inspire someone else with your workouts.

Here is the Facebook link:

Here is the webpage too:

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